Thinking of Joining?
If you want to join us and experience life as a Georgian Gunner, Rocketeer, Soldier, Camp Follower or Board of Ordnance Engineer, Sapper or Artisan trader and supporter this is the place to be.
Our unit tries to follow the historical period as close as possible to how the soldiers and ladies would live on a campaign, and on occasion on home service.
This is achieved through our research and discussions with experts and historians.
Modern equipment including chairs, watches, jewelry, etc is hidden during public viewing hours. Living History is our aim and keeping the period alive is our goal.
There are several roles that you can portray and every role is encouraged. Equipment can be built up as you go and won't happen overnight, but our members can help you out at your first event with loan kit and advice.
Many of our acruitments are hand made in house from Uniforms to Gun carriages it is a passionate hobby and is very rewarding.
We pride ourselves on allowing all to partake and find a role that suits them, and our roles are open to all genders.
Just some of the roles you can do
This role portrays the soldiers that manned the Artillery pieces, fired the rockets and ventured out on campaign with the army of the Peninsula
Gun guard
This role portrays the men who gave covering fire to the gunners.
Both roles wear the RHA blue jacket and grey trousers with the blue undress cap, cotton shirt, black cloth stock, white leather gloves, rough black leather square toed boots and light cavalry sword. A Tarleton was also worn.
Enginneers and Sappers
Exploring Officers and soldiers working on defences and map making for the Army
Drivers, Tailors, cooks, forge workers and supporting trades all employed by the Board to support the Army whilst on campaign.
Mess Kit
Mess kit
There are several types of mess kits you can use. The soldiers D mess tin, a metal plate, a wooden bowl, or a wooden plate.
A tin, stone, or wooden mug.
Folding camp cutlery or 3 pronged forks, knife, and spoon.
Camp followers
These were the women who came over on strength with the army and also the women and children who either found their own way there or who joined the soldiers from the local population. They would have worn civilian clothes of the regency period. All must be 100% cotton, wool or natural fibres for safety near the campfire.