About Us

Who are we?
We are a true Living History group that aims to recreate and depict the rocket brigade formed in 1808, the development of the Congreve rocket from 1797 and specifically the 2nd Rocket/Artillery Troop under Captain Whinyates from its formation in 1813 to 1816 during the Peninsular Wars against Napoleon.
Mostly under canvas we try and show the public the life and times of the Wellington's Army in the field and on campaign with period recipes and research we live, eat and run the day as historically as possible.
We are fully licensed and Insured and all members will be encouraged and aided in their applications for licenses so they can fire the Black Powder weapons we use. Full training will be provided for the safe operation for muskets, cannon. rocket launchers and even swords.
More About Us
We are a newly formed Unit but our members are drawn from many well established groups brought together under one banner with the same ambition and passion to take our chosen hobby to the next level.
We are very much a family orientated unit with the intension of allowing its members to participate in as many aspects of camp life under the Board of Ordnance umbrella.
No role is restricted as long as it is portrayed to the best of our ability and is well researched so our passion and period accuracy can be presented to the public at displays, battle reenactments, educational seminars, filming and other events.

Our Aims
Our goal is to recreate period life of the Artillery soldier of the Napoleonic Wars for education and display but ultimately for fun.
We come from all walks of life and are of all ages and backgrounds with one thing in common, the love of history and the passion to keep it alive.
The period we portray shaped the world we live in today and from the lowest camp follower to the the highest General we aim to keep their heroic exploits, and failures, from disappearing into the past.
Drop us a line, come and join us for the weekend and see if the hobby is for you. We are always looking for likeminded recruits and you will be welcomed into the group and encouraged to find a role you will enjoy.